
Henry Flagler

Henry Flagler Biography

Henry Morrison Flagler, an American industrialist and icon of the Gilded Age, is a well-known figure in the annals of American history. He was a pioneer and key figure in Florida’s development of its east coast, making a name for himself through his work in the oil and railroad industries. Alongside John D. Rockefeller and Samuel Andrews, he co-founded Standard Oil, a company that became one of the largest and most influential in American history.

In the late 1800s, Flagler made his way to Florida. Shortly after his arrival, he saw a need for tourism. He played a crucial role in the state’s economic and social development, transforming it into the popular vacation destination seen today. His vision was to build a series of luxury hotels and resorts with a railroad that would connect Florida to the rest of the country and continue along the East Coast connecting his luxury hotels.

The Flagler Museum, located in Palm Beach, Florida, is one of his most enduring legacies. What was once his mansion, called Whitehall, now offers a glimpse into Flagler’s life throughout the early 1900s. The opulence and grandeur of the Gilded Age is well represented, as well as the influence he had on Florida and the United States. To this day, Henry Flagler remains an entrepreneurial legacy and visionary.


Within five years, Flagler went from earning a wage of $5 per month to $40 as a salesman.

Barney Hamlin York and Henry Flagler founded the Flagler and York Salt Company in 1862 in Saginaw, Michigan. Aside from their lack of technical skills and background knowledge, the Civil War caused many of the struggles they faced, as the salt industry collapsed when the war undercut demand for salt. Their business faced several challenges, leaving inexperienced entrepreneurs, York and Flagler, to experience failure when the salt business collapsed. Determined to find success, Flagler switched his focus to the grain business.

Henry Morrison Flagler’s success in the grain business laid the foundation for his future endeavors. He became involved in the oil industry and, in 1867, joined forces with John D. Rockefeller and Samuel Andrews to form the Standard Oil Company, Inc. This partnership had monumental success, propelling Flagler to great wealth and influence.

Personal Life and Legacy of Henry Flagler

Henry Flagler’s personal life was marked by significant events that shaped his legacy. Born in Hopewell, New York, he was raised by his mother, Elizabeth Caldwell Harkness Flagler, as his father, Isaac Flagler, had passed away when he was young. Flagler attended local schools until the eighth grade, after which he embarked on a career that led him to great success.

Flagler returned to Harkness Grain Company in 1849 after his failed venture in the salt industry. He joined the sales staff and earned $40 a month. Through this role, he met John D. Rockefeller and Samuel Andrews. This trio would later found Standard Oil Company and become key figures in the oil and railroad industries.

Flagler was married three times and had three children from his first marriage. Unfortunately, only one survived, his son Harry Harkness Flagler. Flagler and his family moved to Florida in 1878. His first wife, Mary, passed away in 1881. In June 1883, Henry Morrison Flagler married his second wife, Ida Shourds, marking the beginning of a significant shift in his life. Flagler saw potential in Florida and its ability to attract tourists. He gave up his daily involvement with Standard Oil but remained on the board and began his new pursuit, hotels.

Interesting Facts About Henry Flagler

The American industrialist Henry Morrison Flagler permanently marked the landscape of Florida and the business world. He sold his stake in the grain business in 1858. After a couple of failed business pursuits, he met Rockefeller and Andrews and became a founder of Standard Oil, established in Ohio. Flagler’s business acumen and vision were evident early on.

Flagler turned his attention to the development of Florida’s Atlantic coast in 1881. Flagler was a key figure in the development of the Atlantic coast of Florida and the founder of the Florida East Coast (FEC) Railway. This railway was instrumental in opening up the region to tourism and development, leading to the founding of cities such as Miami and Palm Beach.

Henry Morrison Flagler is renowned as the founder of Miami and Palm Beach, Florida. One of his most enduring legacies is the Henry Flagler Museum in Palm Beach, Florida. Whitehall, his former mansion turned museum, offers a glimpse into Flagler’s life and the Gilded Age. The museum showcases his impact on the development of Florida and the United States and his role as a pioneer in the business world.

What Henry Flagler is Most Known for

Henry Morrison Flagler is best known for his pivotal role in developing Florida’s east coast. His vision and investments transformed the region into a hub for tourism and agriculture. Flagler’s impact on Florida’s economy was extensive, as he helped to create jobs and stimulate growth in the state.


Flagler co-founded the Standard Oil Company in 1867.

Flagler’s interest in developing Florida’s east coast began in St. Augustine. He thought the city was charming and had potential, but the hotels and transportation systems were meager. Henry Flagler began the construction of a series of luxury hotels and resorts. He also began building a railroad that connected the region to the rest of the country, and there were stops at each city he had a hotel in. One of his most famous projects was the construction of his mansion, the Flagler House.

What Inspired Henry Flagler's Ambition to Construct the Railroad?

The construction of the FEC Railway was inspired by Henry Flagler’s vision to connect Key West to mainland Florida. At the time, Key West was Florida’s most populous city and the closest U.S. deepwater port to the proposed Panama Canal. Flagler enlisted the help of James Meredith, an engineer, to oversee the project. The FEC Railway was completed in 1912. An engineering phenomenon, this project was often referred to as the “eighth wonder of the world.”

Henry Flagler's Later Life

Henry Morrison Flagler is a legacy, mogul, and key figure in the oil industry, the development of Florida, and the tourism and travel industry. He is the founder of the FEC Railway, Miami and Palm Beach, Florida. Connecting St. Augustine, Florida, to Key West, Florida, Flagler oversaw the implementation and expansion of the FEC Railway.

In 1913, 83-year-old Flagler fell down a flight of stairs at his mansion, Whitehall. Even with the efforts of medical professionals, he was unable to recover from his injuries and died on May 20, 1913.

Henry Flagler was laid to rest in St. Augustine, Florida. His death marked the end of an era, as his contributions to Florida’s economy and infrastructure were monumental.


Why did Flagler build the railroad?

Henry Flagler built the FEC railroad to provide transportation to and through the state of Florida, encouraging tourism in the cities where he built his luxury hotels.

What happened to the Flagler fortune?

Flagler’s fortune was passed down to his third wife, Mary Lily Kenan. After her death, the inheritance went to her sisters and brother.

How did Henry Flagler impact the United States?

Henry Flagler impacted the United States in several ways. Most notably, he built the FEC railroad, invested in towns to encourage tourism, provided economic stimulation through his entrepreneurial quests, and established Standard Oil.

What is Henry Flagler best known for?

Henry Flagler is best known for Standard Oil, his luxury hotels and resorts, and the FEC Railway.

What things are named after Henry Flagler?

There are several things named after Henry Flagler, such as Flagler College, the Flagler Museum, Flagler Street, Flagler Hospital, and Flagler County.


Potter’s studio is where the magic happens! Every part of the process except for fiberglassing the body is done here. Figures are sculpted, painted, dressed, and detailed in view of guests.


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